Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (2025)

Patch 14.6 is en route to debut next Wednesday, with new cosmetics, balance changes, and a brand new TFT set to boot. Read on to get up to date on all the changes that went live in the latest PBE patch.Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (1)

New Cosmetics

It's High Noon - once again. The High Noon skinline is back with four new purchasable skins - High Noon Evelynn (1350 RP), High Noon Gragas (1350 RP), High Noon Rell (1350 RP), and High Noon Yone (1820 RP). As usual, each skin also comes with several chroma options, each available for 290 RP.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (2)

Additionally, you can acquire prestigious variants of two of the above skins. You can obtain Prestige High Noon Evelynn through the Event Pass, requiring 2000 Event Tokens to unlock the skin. Peacemaker High Noon Yone is the mythic variant of the Yone skin. It'll only be available for a short time during its release and can only be gotten through purchasing High Noon Milestone Capsules. Each capsule costs 750 RP, and has a small chance of containing Peacemaker High Noon Yone, but you are guaranteed to obtain the skin after purchasing 30 Capsules.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (3)

Lastly, Crystalis Indomitus Kha'Zix will be leaping into the Mythic Store on Patch 14.6. You can craft this skin for 125 Mythic Essence.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (4)

Game Changes

Several changes are being added to the Co-Op vs. AI gamemode. Namely, you'll be able to fight against a larger variety of AI champions. The following champions have been added or restored to the AI enemy roster:

Akali, Akshan, Aphelios, Bel'Veth, Braum, Briar, Fate, Fizz, Glasc, Gwen, Hecarim, Hwei, Irelia, K'Sante, Kai'Sa, Kassadin, Kennen, Kha'Zix, Lillia, Lissandra, Lulu, Milio, Mordekaiser, Naafiri, Nautilus, Neeko, Nilah, Ornn, Poppy, Pyke, Qiyana, rakan, Rell, Renata Rengar, Rumble, Samira, Sejuani, Senna, Seraphine, Sett, Smolder, Sona, Twisted Urgot, Varus, Vex, Volibear, Xayah, Xin Yone, Yorick. Yuumi, Zeri, Zhao, and Zoe.

Furthermore, one bot will now be designated as a jungler, so there will be no more 2-1-2 lanes! The jungler bot will use Smite, kill jungle monsters, and can also gank lanes. Bots can now also group together and take down epic monsters.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (5)

Champion Changes


Cho'Gath, Tryndamere, Sion, Shen, Ornn, Rek'Sai, Diana

Several top laners are receiving buffs! Tryndamere is getting a small boost to their attack speed growth, while Shen's Ki Barrier (passive) has adjusted scaling which should allow him to have a shield more often, improving early game trades. Cho'Gath will be able to Feral Scream (E) more often, while Vorpal Strikes' base damage is increased, allowing him to push faster than before. Sion's Decimating Smash (Q)'s AD ratio has changed and is overall larger, incentivising AD builds on the champion. While the base shield on Soul Furnace (W) has slightly decreased, its health ratio has also increased by 4%.

In the jungle, Diana is receiving some buffs to her attack speed, to ensure faster clears. Her attack speed ratio has been increased, though the growth has been slightly lowered. Moonsilver Blade (passive) will now scale linearly instead of every 3 levels, and its bonus attack speed duration has increased by two seconds.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (6)


Briar, Gragas, Karma, Senna, Smolder, Volibear

Smolder has taken a heavy hit following his success in professional play (and tendency to easily get Penta Kills). Super Scorcher Breath (Q) has taken the brunt of the nerfs, with its execute only triggering on damage originating from Smolder himself. The execute threshold no longer scales by Dragon Practice stacks, now only scaling with the targets' maximum health. Achooo! (W) is less wide, and Flap, Flap, Flap (E) grants less movement speed. ADC Senna has also taken a big hit, with the Mist Wraith spawn rate from Absolution (passive) being lowered to 2.7% from 8.3%.

In other lanes, mid lane Karma is being targeted with quite a few nerfs in an effort to send her back to the bot lane. Overall, she will require more mana regen items, incentivising a support build over a full AP one. Defiance (R+E) will grant more shields at earlier ranks, incentivising its use over Inner Flame. Briar's Blood Frenzy(Q)'s attack speed bonus has been reduced at all ranks, as well as the base damage on Certain Death (W) and healing from Snack Attack (W). Gragas now has overall less base Health and Barrel Roll (Q) will now have a flat mana cost of 80, rather than a scaling cost. Finally Volibear's Thundering Smash (Q) will grant less bonus movement speed, while his ultimate has a longer cooldown.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (7)


Kayn, Galio

Riot are continuing to try to incentivise Rhaast builds on Kayn, as the power gap between Rhaast and Shadow Assassin is considered too large. Galio's changes are centred around making him more usable in the mid lane, without accidentally over-buffing him in the support role. To achieve this, a new effect was added to Galio's passive, Colossal Smash, that upon hitting an enemy or epic monster with an ability, the cooldown of the passive is lowered by 3 seconds. This should incentivise weaving the passive into your ability combos. On the other hand, support Galios are more interested in being bulky and having a good engage than damage output.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (8)

Item Changes


Infinity Edge, Navori Quickblades, Lord Dominik’s Regards, Mortal Reminder

A few different ADC items are getting buffed. Infinity Edge will now do more critical damge, which the armour penetration on both Lord Dominik's Regards and Mortal Reminder is getting increased by 5%. Navori Quickblades will now be built out of B.F. Sword instead of a Pickaxe, though its price has remained unchaged. It'll now grant 5 extra AD.


Solstice Sleigh, Support Item Income, Epic Item Stat Efficiency

Solstice Sleigh is being hit with another nerf after getting buffed in 14.4. Its buff duration has now been lowered to 2.5 seconds, and the movement speed bonus has been lowered by 5% as well. Both World Atlas and Runic Compass are now easier to upgrade, with lower quest upgrade thresholds, but will overall grant you less gold for progressing their quests (attacking enemies and towers, or last-hitting minions).


Doran’s Items, World Atlas

Doran's Items (Blade, Ring, Shield) are now exclusive with Jungle/Support items to prevent off-roles from using jungle and support specific items or vice versa.Additionally World Atlas' upgrade threshold has been reduced to 400 from 500 gold, though you will also earn less gold overall from poking and last-hitting. Several recipes across the board have been changed, though the prices of the completed items have generally remained the same.

Monster Changes

Voidgrubs were a bit too tanky so Riot is trying to make it a little easier for a top laner who is ahead to take the grubs on their own. To achieve this, Voidgrubs no longer gain a ten second shield when a fellow grub dies.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (9)

ARAM Changes

A couple of small nerfs are hitting Janna and Ziggs in the Howling Abyss only. Janna's Howling Gale (Q) now has a slightly longer cooldown, while Ziggs' structure damage has been significantly nerfed.

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (10)

TFT Changes

TFT’s eleventh set is debuting on Wednesday. Inkborn Fables is a blend of various styles and aesthetics, generally inspired by mythology and nature, and utilising such fan-favourite skinlines as Elderwood, Spirit Blossom, Shan Hai Scrolls, and more. Sixty champions make up the new set's TFT roster, including two brand new TFT-exclusives - Alune and Kobuko. Learn about all of the new champions, origins, classes, and augments in our Inkborn Fables Gameplay Overview article!

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Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (12)

And that concludes our full preview of what last went live on PBE, and what’s coming to Summoner’s Rift on Wednesday next week. We’ll see you next time!

Patch 14.6 PBE Preview (2025)


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